
Tim Dunn


Current Research

I'm a fifth-year Computer Science PhD Candidate at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, solving computational problems related to human whole genome sequencing. In particular, my recent work has focused on alignment, variant calling, cloud WGS pipelines, and nanopore sequencing.


I received my BS in CS and EE from Clarkson University in 2019 (3.99 GPA) and was awarded a Goldwater Scholarship ($7,500/yr) for my undergraduate research. I received my MS in CS from the University of Michigan in 2021 (4.00 GPA) and likewise earned an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship ($37,000/yr). I have also completed the following research internships:

Contact Me

I'm actively looking for an industry position after completing my PhD (expected May 2024), so if you're hiring, please reach out over LinkedIn, Twitter, or Email!